The Tullamore Lions Club Food Appeal resumes this year courtesy of Dunnes Stores and Tesco.
Collections at the Church Road and Bridge Centre Dunnes Stores will take place on the 6th and 7th of December. Collections at Tesco will take place on the 13th and 14th of December.
Chairperson of our Food Appeal, Mike Flynn wishes to acknowledge and thank all members of the local and wider community for their long standing generous contributions in previous years. However he is also is keen to stress that this year many more families will have difficulty in making ends meet and are depending more and more on support from various charities for basic needs.
“The Lions Club will be grateful for donations of non-perishable foodstuffs of all kinds which will be used to make up hampers. These can include cereals, tinned foods such as beans, peas and canned fish and packaged foods such as soups, rice and pasta as well as tea, coffee, chocolates and biscuits. Soft drinks will always be welcome too.
Cash donations will also be gratefully accepted. All money collected will be used to purchase shorter-life food which can be added to hampers on the day they are being delivered”.
Lions Club President, Larry Fleming, added:
“In recent years, Covid restrictions prevented us from collecting food but we managed to support the most-needy families by providing them with food vouchers instead of hampers
“We expect that many families will find it difficult to meet the cost of Christmas this year due to the cost of living increases we are experiencing. We are grateful to Dunnes Stores and Tesco for generously facilitating our food collection again this year. We also appreciate the support of local schools, both primary and second-level who have set up food collection points on campus’’
‘’The Lions Club works with other community service providers and organizations in identifying families most in need. To avoid a needy family missing out, our collectors will gladly accept names of families in hardship in our attempt to ensure that all needy families are prioritised”.