November 2024

The Lions the Bees and the Bogs launched

Mr John Lyons, Tullamore Lions Club presenting copies of The Lions the Bees and the Bogs to Aisling Pickering, staff nurse, Shannon Ward, Tullamore Hospital, with from left Sheila Knightly, Friends of Tullamore Hospital; Mr Larry Fleming, President Tullamore Lions Club; Caitriona Quirke, CNMI ED; Michael Carroll, Tullamore Lions Club and  Laura Doheny and Bernie …

The Lions the Bees and the Bogs launched Read More »

Tullamore Lions Club support ACT

Tullamore Lions Club presenting a cheque for €5,000 to Accessible Counselling Tullamore (ACT);  from left Mr Christy Byrne Treasurer Tullamore Lions Club; Lisa O’Connor ACT; Mr Larry Fleming, President Tullamore Lions Club and Ann Starling ACT, back Mr Joe Connolly, ACT; Mary Cummins ACT; Mr Pat Nevin, Tullamore Lions Club  and Cllr Declan Harvey.